Welcome to the captivating world of Aaron Jacob Sewell, an artist whose journey into the realm of painting is as vibrant and dynamic as his canvases. Self-taught and deeply inspired by the boundless creativity of TikTok and the artists he encountered there, Aaron embarked on his painting odyssey in 2022, driven by a lifelong fascination with artistry.

Drawn to the provocative allure of Egon Schiele's expressive work, Aaron found himself captivated by art's ability to bend the rules and evoke powerful emotions. It was this fascination that ignited his passion for painting and set him on a path of exploration and self-discovery.

Through his expressive brushstrokes and vivid palette, Aaron invites viewers to connect with his art on a deeply emotional level. Each canvas serves as a window into his inner world, offering glimpses of personal growth and a profound curiosity for the intricacies of our shared humanity.

Based in Wisconsin, Aaron's art is a testament to his love for the tactile qualities of oil paint, which he masterfully manipulates to create textures that dance across the canvas. Informed by his background in mechanical design and a lifelong dedication to studying artistic techniques, Aaron brings a unique perspective to his creations, offering viewers a visual symphony of color, texture, and emotion.

Join us as we explore the rich tapestry of Aaron Jacob Sewell's expressive style, where every brushstroke tells a story and every hue speaks to the depths of the human experience.

"If you feel connected to my work it's because I'm trying to connect with you. I always paint with a desire to reach the viewer."

“alive and well”


“south dakota”

“son of a gun”


“whats left”

“dog walk”

“the smoker”

“parking lot”

“regretfully yours”

“resting worker”


“night smoker”

“northern minnesota”

“morning nip”


“farm day”

“girl with spliff”